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Unit 2

  • Understand the function and purpose of an operating system

  • Describe memory management (paging, segmentation and virtual memory)

  • Describe the role of interrupts and an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) within the fetch-decode-execute cycle

  • Describe the need for processor scheduling algorithms

  • Describe scheduling algorithms: round robin, first-come, first-served, multi-level feedback queues, shortest job first and the shortest remaining time

  • Describe distributed, embedded, multi-tasking, multi-user and real-time operating systems

  • Describe BIOS, device drivers and virtual machines

  • Distinguish between systems software and applications software

  • Describe what is meant by a utility program and giving examples

  • Be able to justify a suitable application for a specific purpose

  • Distinguish between open source and closed source software

  • Understand the role of an assembler, compiler and interpreter

  • Explain the difference between compilation and interpretation, and describe situations when each would be appropriate

  • Explain why an intermediate language such as bytecode is produced as the final output by some compilers and how it is then used

  • Describe the stages of compilation: lexical analysis, syntax analysis, code generation and optimisation

  • Describe the function of linkers and loaders

  • Describe the use of libraries


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