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Unit 1


  • List the basic internal components of the processor: ALU, Control Unit, registers and buses

  • List factors which affect the performance of the CPU: clock speed, number of cores, cache

  • Explain what is meant by a multicore system and parallel processing

  • Describe the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle, naming the registers and describing how they are used.

  • Describe the role of the data, address and control buses

  • Describe the use of pipelining in a processor to improve efficiency

  • Describe von Neumann and Harvard architectures 

  • Describe the characteristics and use of a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

  • Describe the benefits and potential problems of virtual storage

  • Describe the uses of magnetic, flash and optical storage devices

  • Describe how different I/O and storage devices can be applied to the solution of different problems

  • Describe features of contemporary processor architecture

  • Describe the differences between, and uses of, CISC and RISC architecture

  • Explain how system architecture and bus width relates to assembly language programs

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